Helen J Williams
After seeing this amazing list of 50 fantastic things for carers and children to experience (and repeat) together, I had to start one with a mathematical theme. The original started with the objective of enhancing children’s life experiences and language skills. Here are some ideas for enhancing young children’s mathematical experiences. These of course would last beyond school-starting age. I will be interested to hear what you think.
· Mix and make mud pies (which lasts longest in the rain?)
· Do a jigsaw a day (which one today?) (Puzzle play aids spatial skills; Levine et al, 2012)
· Make a number of buns with an adult (and share them out fairly)
· Build a tower as tall as yourself (what with today?)
· Find a small box or tub and fill it with exactly 20 things
· Write a ‘What I want to do today’ list (and tick these off as you do them. Discuss the time they took)
· Count up and down every step and stair (backwards and forwards)
· Play at least one board game as often as you can (which one today?)
Vogt et al (2018) found card and board games motivated children to perform mathematical activities over and over again.
· Draw a map from your house to somewhere; and follow it (where to today?)
· Find a dice. Make up your own game to play (play it with someone)
· Sort out a button-box or a nuts-and-bolts box (how shall I do it today?)
· Make and play with playdough (recipe here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAIAm6BF0fs )
· Create something from old boxes and tubes
· Draw a 0-100 number-line (and put your family’s ages on it)
· Go on a number walk. Find 1 pebble, 2 leaves, 3 short sticks … (make your own list)
· Jump in 10 puddles
· Enjoy lots of mathematical story books (ask in the library –https://earlymath.erikson.edu/tag/books/
· Play poo-sticks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q0gectxDNQ
· Mix up a magic potion
· Record some things to do on a calendar
· Talk about road signs (what does that one mean?)
· Make some signs for your house
· Create a really long train or road track (what with today?)
· Make something by folding and cutting paper
· Go outside and look through a long tube
· Start a scrap book
· Collect some natural things and make patterns
· Draw your Duplo model
· Draw and play hopscotch
· Play with a pack of cards – what do you notice?
· Talk about Big Numbers