Why are we so worried?
Mathematics and the new EYFS Within the two weeks leading up to the end of the most stressful and distressing school year we have ever...
Early years, primary learning& teaching
These two quotes guide my teaching:
“Mathematics could be like roller-skating,
but usually it’s like being told to stop roller-skating and come in and tidy your room.”
Richard Winter (2009) " ‘Mathophobia’, pythagoras and roller‐skating."
“There is a danger that mathematics is seen by children as something in which they learn about other people’s ideas, particularly yours,
and it has nothing to do with them.”
Anita Straker (1993)
Thanks for your interest in Ponderings on maths education. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158